Chrysler Sebring Sedan (JS) 3.5i V6 (235 Hp) Automatic 2006

Key specs

Chrysler Sebring (Sedan) Sebring Sedan (JS) 2006,2007,2008,2009,2010

What is the body type, Chrysler Sebring Sedan (JS) 3.5i V6 (235 Hp) Automatic 2006?

Sedan, 4 Doors, 5 Seats

What is the fuel economy, Chrysler Sebring Sedan (JS) 3.5i V6 (235 Hp) Automatic 2006?

12.4 l/100 km 18.97 US mpg
8.4 l/100 km 28 US mpg

How much power, Chrysler Sebring Sedan (JS) 3.5i V6 (235 Hp) Automatic 2006?

235 Hp @ 6000 rpm.
66.8 Hp/l

What is the engine size, Chrysler Sebring Sedan (JS) 3.5i V6 (235 Hp) Automatic 2006?

3518 cm3
214.68 cu. in.

How many cylinders, Chrysler Sebring Sedan (JS) 3.5i V6 (235 Hp) Automatic 2006?

6, V-engine

What is the drivetrain, Chrysler Sebring Sedan (JS) 3.5i V6 (235 Hp) Automatic 2006?

Front wheel drive,

How long is this vehicle, Chrysler Sebring Sedan (JS) 3.5i V6 (235 Hp) Automatic 2006?

4850 mm
190.94 in.

How wide is the vehicle, Chrysler Sebring Sedan (JS) 3.5i V6 (235 Hp) Automatic 2006?

1843 mm
72.56 in.

What is the curb weight, Chrysler Sebring Sedan (JS) 3.5i V6 (235 Hp) Automatic 2006?


Chrysler Sebring (Sedan) Sebring Sedan (JS) 2006,2007,2008,2009,2010 Specs

General information

Brand Chrysler
Model Sebring (Sedan)
Version Sebring Sedan (JS)
Engine version 3.5i V6 (235 Hp) Automatic
Year production start 2006
Year production end 2010
Vehicle type Sedan
Horsepower RPM 235 Hp @ 6000 rpm.
Overall length mm - inch

4850 mm

190.94 in.
Doors 4

Engine specs

Engine position and orientation Front, Longitudinal
Cylinders 6
Position of cylinders V-engine
Displacement (liters)

3518 cm3

214.68 cu. in.
Eng. horsepower RPM 235 Hp @ 6000 rpm.
Horsepower per litre 66.8 Hp/l
Torque Nm RPM lb-ft RPM

339 Nm @ 4400 rpm.

250.03 lb.-ft. @ 4400 rpm.
Bore (mm in)

96 mm

3.78 in.
Stroke (mm in)

81 mm

3.19 in.
Compression ratio 10
Fuel delivery system Multi-point indirect injection
Fuel type Petrol (Gasoline)
Valvetrain 4
Engine aspiration Naturally aspirated engine
Engine oil liters | quarts

5.7 l

6.02 US qt | 5.02 UK qt
Engine coolant

9.7 l

10.25 US qt | 8.53 UK qt
Emission certification Euro 5
Powertrain architecture Internal Combustion engine
Engine location Front, Longitudinal

Transmission and Drive system

Drive configuration Front wheel drive


Front brakes Ventilated discs
Rear brakes Ventilated discs
Brake control Disc
Anti-lock brake system ABS (Anti-lock braking system)


Steering type Steering rack and pinion


Front suspension McPherson
Rear suspension Several levers and rods


Passengers seats 5
Trunk space min liter | cu. Ft.

441 l

15.57 cu. ft.


Overall length mm - inch

4850 mm

190.94 in.
Overall width mm -inch

1843 mm

72.56 in.
Overall height mm -inch

1497 mm

58.94 in.
Wheelbase mm - inch

2767 mm

108.94 in.
Track width front mm - inch

1570 mm

61.81 in.
Track width rear mm - inch

1570 mm

61.81 in.


Fuel tank liters | gallons

64 l

16.91 US gal | 14.08 UK gal

Fuel economy

City l/100km - mpg

12.4 l/100 km

18.97 US mpg
Highway l/100 km - mpg

8.4 l/100 km

28 US mpg

Engine type


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