Buick Rainier (GMT 360) 4.2 i 24V AWD (295 Hp) 2006

Key specs

Buick Rainier (SUV) Rainier (GMT 360) 2006,2007

What is the body type, Buick Rainier (GMT 360) 4.2 i 24V AWD (295 Hp) 2006?

SUV, 5 Doors, 5 Seats

What is the fuel economy, Buick Rainier (GMT 360) 4.2 i 24V AWD (295 Hp) 2006?

15.7 l/100 km 14.98 US mpg
11.2 l/100 km 21 US mpg

How much power, Buick Rainier (GMT 360) 4.2 i 24V AWD (295 Hp) 2006?

295 Hp @ 6000 rpm.
71 Hp/l

How fast is the car, Buick Rainier (GMT 360) 4.2 i 24V AWD (295 Hp) 2006?

175 km/h 108.74 mph

What is the engine size, Buick Rainier (GMT 360) 4.2 i 24V AWD (295 Hp) 2006?

4157 cm3
253.68 cu. in.

How many cylinders, Buick Rainier (GMT 360) 4.2 i 24V AWD (295 Hp) 2006?

6, Inline

What is the drivetrain, Buick Rainier (GMT 360) 4.2 i 24V AWD (295 Hp) 2006?

All wheel drive (4x4),

How long is this vehicle, Buick Rainier (GMT 360) 4.2 i 24V AWD (295 Hp) 2006?

4871 mm
191.77 in.

How wide is the vehicle, Buick Rainier (GMT 360) 4.2 i 24V AWD (295 Hp) 2006?

1894 mm
74.57 in.

What is the curb weight, Buick Rainier (GMT 360) 4.2 i 24V AWD (295 Hp) 2006?

2150 kg
4739.94 lbs.

Buick Rainier (SUV) Rainier (GMT 360) 2006,2007 Specs

General information

Brand Buick
Model Rainier (SUV)
Version Rainier (GMT 360)
Engine version 4.2 i 24V AWD (295 Hp)
Year production start 2006
Year production end 2007
Vehicle type SUV
Horsepower RPM 295 Hp @ 6000 rpm.
Acceleration 0 - 100 kmh sec 8.2 sec
Curb weight kg -lbs total

2150 kg

4739.94 lbs.
Overall length mm - inch

4871 mm

191.77 in.
Doors 5
Top Speed 175 km/h 108.74 mph

Engine specs

Designation model LL8
Cam configuration DOHC
Engine position and orientation Front, Longitudinal
Cylinders 6
Position of cylinders Inline
Displacement (liters)

4157 cm3

253.68 cu. in.
Eng. horsepower RPM 295 Hp @ 6000 rpm.
Horsepower per litre 71 Hp/l
Weight / horsepower kg/hp - hp/tons

7.3 kg/Hp

137.2 Hp/tonne
Weight / torque kg/Nm - Nm/tons 5.7 kg/Nm, 174.4 Nm/tonne

5.7 kg/Nm

174.4 Nm/tonne
Torque Nm RPM lb-ft RPM

375 Nm @ 4800 rpm.

276.59 lb.-ft. @ 4800 rpm.
Bore (mm in)

93 mm

3.66 in.
Stroke (mm in)

102 mm

4.02 in.
Compression ratio 10.3
Fuel delivery system Multi-point indirect injection
Fuel type Petrol (Gasoline)
Valvetrain 4
Engine aspiration Naturally aspirated engine
Engine oil liters | quarts

6.6 l

6.97 US qt | 5.81 UK qt
Engine coolant

10.2 l

10.78 US qt | 8.97 UK qt
Powertrain architecture Internal Combustion engine
Engine location Front, Longitudinal

Transmission and Drive system

Drive configuration All wheel drive (4x4)


Front brakes Ventilated discs
Rear brakes Ventilated discs
Brake control Ventilated discs
Anti-lock brake system ABS (Anti-lock braking system)


Steering type Steering rack and pinion


Front suspension Double wishbone
Rear suspension Trailing arm

Wheels & Tyres

Wheels size 245/65 R17
Wheels rims 6J x 17


Passengers seats 5
Trunk space min liter | cu. Ft.

1127 l

39.8 cu. ft.
Trunk space max liter | cu. Ft.

2268 l

80.09 cu. ft.


Overall length mm - inch

4871 mm

191.77 in.
Overall width mm -inch

1894 mm

74.57 in.
Overall height mm -inch

1894 mm

74.57 in.
Wheelbase mm - inch

2869 mm

112.95 in.
Track width front mm - inch

1603 mm

63.11 in.
Track width rear mm - inch

1577 mm

62.09 in.


Curb weight kg -lbs total

2150 kg

4739.94 lbs.
Gross weight kg -lbs total

2608 kg

5749.66 lbs.
Capacities kg - lbs

458 kg

1009.72 lbs.
Fuel tank liters | gallons

83 l

21.93 US gal | 18.26 UK gal

Fuel economy

City l/100km - mpg

15.7 l/100 km

14.98 US mpg
Highway l/100 km - mpg

11.2 l/100 km

21 US mpg

Engine type


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