BMW Z8 (E52) 4.9 (400 Hp) 2000

Key specs

BMW Z8 (Convertible) Z8 (E52) 2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005

What is the body type, BMW Z8 (E52) 4.9 (400 Hp) 2000?

Convertible, 2 Doors, 2 Seats

What is the fuel economy, BMW Z8 (E52) 4.9 (400 Hp) 2000?

14.5 l/100 km 16.22 US mpg
21.1 l/100 km 11.15 US mpg
10.6 l/100 km 22.19 US mpg

How much power, BMW Z8 (E52) 4.9 (400 Hp) 2000?

400 Hp @ 6600 rpm.
81 Hp/l

How fast is the car, BMW Z8 (E52) 4.9 (400 Hp) 2000?

250 km/h 155.34 mph

What is the engine size, BMW Z8 (E52) 4.9 (400 Hp) 2000?

4941 cm3
301.52 cu. in.

How many cylinders, BMW Z8 (E52) 4.9 (400 Hp) 2000?

8, V-engine

What is the drivetrain, BMW Z8 (E52) 4.9 (400 Hp) 2000?

Rear wheel drive,

How long is this vehicle, BMW Z8 (E52) 4.9 (400 Hp) 2000?

4400 mm
173.23 in.

How wide is the vehicle, BMW Z8 (E52) 4.9 (400 Hp) 2000?

1830 mm
72.05 in.

What is the curb weight, BMW Z8 (E52) 4.9 (400 Hp) 2000?

1660 kg
3659.67 lbs.

BMW Z8 (Convertible) Z8 (E52) 2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005 Specs

General information

Brand BMW
Model Z8 (Convertible)
Version Z8 (E52)
Engine version 4.9 (400 Hp)
Year production start 2000
Year production end 2005
Vehicle type Convertible
Horsepower RPM 400 Hp @ 6600 rpm.
Acceleration 0 - 100 kmh sec 4.7 sec
Curb weight kg -lbs total

1660 kg

3659.67 lbs.
Overall length mm - inch

4400 mm

173.23 in.
Doors 2
Top Speed 250 km/h 155.34 mph

Engine specs

Designation model S62B50
Cam configuration DOHC
Engine position and orientation Front, Longitudinal
Cylinders 8
Position of cylinders V-engine
Displacement (liters)

4941 cm3

301.52 cu. in.
Eng. horsepower RPM 400 Hp @ 6600 rpm.
Horsepower per litre 81 Hp/l
Weight / horsepower kg/hp - hp/tons

4.2 kg/Hp

241 Hp/tonne
Weight / torque kg/Nm - Nm/tons 3.3 kg/Nm, 301.2 Nm/tonne

3.3 kg/Nm

301.2 Nm/tonne
Torque Nm RPM lb-ft RPM

500 Nm @ 3800 rpm.

368.78 lb.-ft. @ 3800 rpm.
Bore (mm in)

94 mm

3.7 in.
Stroke (mm in)

89 mm

3.5 in.
Compression ratio 11
Fuel delivery system Multi-point indirect injection
Fuel type Petrol (Gasoline)
Valvetrain 4
Engine aspiration Naturally aspirated engine
Engine oil liters | quarts

7.5 l

7.93 US qt | 6.6 UK qt
Engine coolant

12.5 l

13.21 US qt | 11 UK qt
Powertrain architecture Internal Combustion engine
Engine location Front, Longitudinal

Transmission and Drive system

Drive configuration Rear wheel drive
Transmission 6


Front brakes Ventilated discs
Rear brakes Ventilated discs
Brake control Disc
Anti-lock brake system ABS (Anti-lock braking system)


Steering type Steering rack and pinion


Front suspension Spring Strut
Rear suspension Helical spring

Wheels & Tyres

Wheels size 245/45 R18; 275/40 R18
Wheels rims 18


Passengers seats 2
Trunk space min liter | cu. Ft.

203 l

7.17 cu. ft.


Overall length mm - inch

4400 mm

173.23 in.
Overall width mm -inch

1830 mm

72.05 in.
Overall height mm -inch

1317 mm

51.85 in.
Wheelbase mm - inch

2505 mm

98.62 in.
Track width front mm - inch

1550 mm

61.02 in.
Track width rear mm - inch

1570 mm

61.81 in.


Curb weight kg -lbs total

1660 kg

3659.67 lbs.
Gross weight kg -lbs total

1900 kg

4188.78 lbs.
Capacities kg - lbs

240 kg

529.11 lbs.
Fuel tank liters | gallons

73 l

19.28 US gal | 16.06 UK gal

Fuel economy

City l/100km - mpg

21.1 l/100 km

11.15 US mpg
Highway l/100 km - mpg

10.6 l/100 km

22.19 US mpg
Combined l/100 km - Mpg

14.5 l/100 km

16.22 US mpg
Autonomy km (combined use) 521

Engine type

It's an engine with eight cylinder piston where the cylinders share a common crankshaft and are arranged in a V configuration.

What is the 8 cylinder V-engine displacement: it is in a range between 2926 cc and 8135 cc in recent model line up powertrain.

How much is the power of the 8 cylinder V-engine: the power of the 8 cylinder V-engine is in a range from 125 bhp to 1160 bhp.

Which cars use 8 cylinder V-engine: in recent years several manufactures have been used the V8 engine for 3 main applications: premium, sport cars and lightweight trucks. 8 V engine is the American preferred engine for iconic giant pick-up.

What is the eight cylinder V angle: the majority of V8 engines use a V-angle of 90 degrees. This angle results in good engine balance and low vibrations. The downside is a larger powertrain body that makes the use of this configuration suitable only for longitudinal position and rear drive wheels traction.

V8 engines with a 60 degree V-angle were used in the 1996-1999 by Ford and in 2005-2011 by Volvo. The Ford engine used a 60 degree V-angle because it was based on a V6 engine with a 60 degree V-angle. Both the Ford and Volvo engines were used in transverse engine chassis, which were designed for a front-wheel-drive layout. To reduce the vibrations caused by the unbalanced 60 degree V-angle, Volvo's used a balance shaft and offset split crankpins.

The Rolls-Royce Meteorite tank engine also used a 60 degree V-angle, since it was derived from the 60 degree V12 Rolls-Royce Meteor which in turn was based on the famous Rolls-Royce Merlin V12 engine.

Most V8 engines fitted to road cars use a cross-plane crankshaft, since this configuration produces less vibration due to the perfect primary balance and secondary balance.

The rumbling exhaust sound produced by a typical cross-plane V8 engine is partly due to the uneven firing order within each of the two banks of four cylinders and with separate exhaust systems for each bank of cylinders, this uneven pulsing creates the legendary rumbling sound that is typically of V8 engines.

edited by arrabbiata

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